Your logo defines your brand. Whether it’s an image that accentuates your company, a text-based logo that proudly touts your brand name or a combination of the two that serves as a beacon for new and returning customers, it’s safe to say that without a memorable, quality logo, your brand is going to have a hard time making a name for itself.
Most small businesses start with an idea and the logo and branding tend to follow. Then, over time the business grows and evolves, until it becomes something sustainable. The problem is that while you’re focused on growing your business, you might not be updating your logo and branding at the same pace, if at all. The result, is a strong business that’s lacking strong representation.
Making a name for your business
There are a few things that any good logo should be able to do as a standalone part of your business’ brand image:
• Tell people what your brand’s name is or associate symbolism to the business name.
• Give people an idea of what your business does or invite them to learn more.
• Exude professionalism and prestige that makes people respect your brand.
If your logo is a hodgepodge attempt at graphic design, something that looks outdated or an image that has poor association with the rest of your brand, it’s probably time to take a step back and look at how it can be improved. After all, your business needs something at its core, to tie all of your marketing and branding efforts to!
Improving upon your image
How exactly do you improve upon a logo? The answer can be summed up in one word: rebranding.
Rebranding is the concept of taking your brand’s existing tenants and pillars of business, and redesigning its image around them. If you’re known for being hardworking and honest, for example, branding your business’ logo around these ideas can reinforce them, as well as give this impression to newcomers who might be considering choosing you for service.
The first step is to have your existing logo evaluated by a marketing professional—someone outside of your industry who can give you an unbiased review. This person will be able to tell you if your logo is appealing, what can be done to improve it or what needs to be changed to make it better. Sometimes this can be as simple as changing a font or color; other times it might mean redesigning your entire logo, to better match your business.
Next, after you’ve evaluated your logo and its inherent message, you’ll need to get any changes made. For this step, hiring a professional graphic designer is an absolute necessity—even if you’re confident in your design skills. A designer is going to be able to work objectively on your logo’s improvements and provide you with finished, optimized files that you can use for all future marketing and branding.
Finally, once you have your new logo designs in hand, it’s important that you get to work in using them! Replace your existing logo on all web and digital materials; rebrand any printed materials you might have; start using your revised logo wherever new branding opportunities present themselves.
Making a statement
Customers are sure to notice your new logo, clients are sure to comment on it and your business is absolutely going to be reinvigorated by your approach to solidifying branding efforts. At the end of the day, your logo might just be a single component of your business’ brand, but it’s one that is sure to be the biggest defining characteristic when it comes to how people view and form opinions about your brand.
If you’re interested in exploring the full potential of your business’ logo, contact your local AlphaGraphics today to speak with a branding professional who can assist you in learning more. We’re here to help your brand reach its true potential!