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There’s Still a Place for Direct Mail in Your Marketing Campaigns

Direct mailings are still an effective component of a comprehensive marketing strategy. Some would say even more so today since fewer direct mail pieces are being delivered to people’s mailboxes, making them stand out. However, direct mail has changed significantly over the past few years, influenced by various factors such as advancements in technology, shifts in consumer behavior, and the increasing importance of data-driven marketing strategies. 

Understanding your various mailings and postage options, on top of streamlining with digital efforts can be mind-boggling, but the AlphaGraphics Kansas City team is here to guide you through today’s nuances of direct mail marketing.

A Breakdown of the Direct Mailing Process

  1. Design Your Direct Mailing Piece
    •  Create your mailing based on the end goal. Focus on your target audience, the purpose of your mailing, and postage size requirements. Informational mailings might vary significantly from a marketing campaign for a high-budget luxury item. Incorporate unique sizes, creative envelopes, and personalization. And remember, customers appreciate being recognized as loyal patrons.
    • Leverage data-driven personalization: Use advanced data analytics to create highly targeted and personalized direct mail pieces. This means using what you know about your customers to attract their attention. Think about customizing a postcard differently for dog or cat owners. This increases engagement and response rates.
  2. Choose Your Delivery Method
    • Select postage based on delivery requirements, mailing purpose, and budget. (See below for different postage options.) For some mailers, postage can be one of the largest budget items. Be sure to work with AlphaGraphics to ensure your mail qualifies for the best discounts.
    • Omnichannel marketing: Direct mail is increasingly being integrated with digital marketing channels. For instance, QR codes, personalized URLs (PURLs), and augmented reality (AR) can bridge the gap between physical mail and online experiences, creating the “Oooh, ahhh” factor. Informed delivery is widely used in the Kansas City region and is now available for businesses. It’s a simple and cost-effective way to include a digital touch with your physical mail. 
  3. Locate a Mailing List
    • Review the data you have in-house to create a mailing list. If you don’t have a list or need your current one enhanced, the AGKC team can acquire and append one based on your target audience, demographics, and the purpose of your mailer.
    •  You will need to fill out a Processing Acknowledgement Form from the U.S. Postal Service (USPS) to verify ownership of your mailing list. (The AGKC team will send you an easy-to-approve emailed link.)
  4. Validate Your List
    • The AGKC team validates and standardizes your list, removes duplicates, and runs it through the National Change of Address (NCOA) Database. Undeliverables found by the NCOA database can be removed and reprocessed, saving you printing and mailing costs.
    • Other segmentation, processing and sorting are reviewed at this time to receive discounts in postage. AlphaGraphics will discuss your final list with you so that you benefit from the sorting, tracking, and delivery options available to you. 
  5. Produce the Mailing
    • We update your direct mail with the appropriate indicia and addressing components. Your artwork and final mailing list are then sent to you for review and approval. We will also review the final postage costs and make any recommendations for last-minute changes.
    • After you’ve approved, AGKC will collect postage costs. Postage and a 50% deposit are required before printing.
    • AlphaGraphics prints, sorts, trays, and delivers your mailing to the U.S. Postal Service.
  6. After the Delivery
    • If we have selected informed delivery or mail tracking you will have access to review your mailer in process.
    • If you use a return address, note any undeliverables due to customer moves or outdated contact information. Update your mailing list for future mailers.
    • If your mailing was sales-related, plan to make follow-up phone calls, emails, or digital marketing messages to improve the effectiveness of your message. And don’t forget that a second mailer can be more effective than the first!
  7. Measure ROI
    • Enhanced tracking: Use advanced tracking methods such as unique tracking codes and CRM integration to measure the effectiveness of your direct mail campaigns.
    • Analyze ROI: Track responses, offers accepted, and website clicks to assess your return on investment. If you need help developing trackable options, just call and ask us!

An Overview of Postage Options

On top of choosing the right type of mail for your message, you also need to consider your budget, design, how fast you need your mailers to be delivered, and of course the size and format that best fits your needs. To help you choose the right postage class we’ve included everything you need to know on the postage options that are available to you.

First Class Mail

First-class service is ideal for time-sensitive pieces like event invitations, invoices, and personalized marketing messages. This is the premium option for sending mail quickly. It is the highest priority with USPS, typically delivered within 1-3 days, and includes mail forwarding and return services. First-Class Mail also provides additional tracking, certification, and delivery confirmation options.

However, the higher cost per piece compared to other postage types can be a significant drawback, making it less suitable for bulk mailings where cost efficiency is paramount. Costs can be mitigated by integrating first-class presort but it requires a 500-piece minimum and NCOA/Cass certification. Presorted and appropriately trayed mail can save almost 20% in postage due to the time saved for USPS. First-class presort still includes free address forwarding and returns.

*Pro-Tip: Individual stamping is a best practice for business mailings (invoices, bills, contracts) as it makes mail look more personal and less like “junk” mail.

Marketing Mail (formerly Standard Postage)

Marketing mail is intended for businesses and organizations sending bulk advertisements, promotions, or communications. Ideal for bulk mail weighing under 16 oz. per piece, the regulations are more flexible and allow for a variety or materials and diverse campaigns. The biggest drawback to Marketing Mail is slower delivery times. Typically delivery is within 3 - 10 business days, however, longer delays are not uncommon. The post office does not guarantee delivery of Marketing Mail and does not include the forwarding/return services.

Similar discounts apply for presorting the Marketing Mail like First-Class Mail. Any sorting requires the sender to sort the mail according to the USPS standards and typically requires an investment in software and equipment. Larger-size mailers are more suitable to justify the effort of sorting.

EDDM or Every Door Direct Mail is the retail version of Marketing Mail for DIYers looking to do it themselves. Quantities, options, and materials are reduced. These are offset by the ease of sending local mailings without the need for addresses. AlphaGraphics can help you with longer-run saturation mailing. 

Nonprofit Mail

Not-for-profit organizations can apply to get significant discounts off of normal standard postage rates using form 3624. Nonprofit rates do not apply to mail that is required to be sent via First-Class service. Nonprofit mail is treated the same as Marketing Mail but at a reduced cost. Be aware that the post office does not guarantee delivery, forwarding, or delivery of Nonprofit or Marketing Mail. If that is important for your message contact your AGKC team for details.

First-class Postcard Rates

First-Class postcards are a great way to get immediate communications to your customers on a budget. You get all the benefits of First-Class Mail with a lower printing and postage investment. However, postcards must meet specific guidelines. They must be single pieces of paper, rectangular in shape, and size 4” x 6” or smaller. Other sizes, shapes, or additional features move the mailer into the Marketing Mail category. Bulk options require a minimum of 200 pieces.

Informed Delivery as a Touchpoint

The USPS’s Informed Delivery service, which sends recipients a digital preview of their incoming mail, offers another touchpoint for marketers to engage with their audience.

3 Final Things to Consider When Planning a Mailing:

  1. Brand Consistency
    • Maintaining consistent brand standards builds trust and dependability with your customers. In other words, when they see your direct mail, they immediately know it’s from your business.
  2. Personalization
    • You have less than 3 seconds to grab attention. Personalized mail is more likely to be opened than generic mail. Using the recipient’s name is likely to grab attention versus “homeowner” or “customer.”
    • Variable data printing allow for variable data printing, meaning each piece of mail can be customized with unique text, images, and offers tailored to individual recipients.
  3. Repetition
    • Your mailer will perform better after the 3rd or 4th delivery. Persistence is key because:
      • Prospects may not need your product or service immediately but might in the future. Multiple mailings help keep your business top of mind.
      • Exceptional designs and repetition can break through the oversaturated advertising landscape.

Any questions about mailing with AlphaGraphics Kansas City? Give our team a call today!

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