Kansas City has a vibrant and growing small business community. We support each other, grow professionally and financially, and more importantly we celebrate our successes together. It’s part of what the AlphaGraphics Kansas City team loves about our hometown.
It is in that spirit of celebration that every year, Thinking Bigger Business Media, a Shawnee-based business magazine, recognizes 25 outstanding Kansas City businesses under 25 employees. Over 80 percent of all businesses in the Kansas City area are small businesses under 25 employees. The awards were designed to highlight and recognize the role of small businesses in the Kansas City area. Thinking Bigger began the 25 Under 25 Awards in 2002, and they have grown every year since.
The awards were designed to recognize more than just buzzworthy businesses and startup. They reward stability by only recognizing businesses that have been in operation for more than three years. They also reward involvement in the Kansas City community, among other criteria. Nominations are accepted from throughout the business community every year from August to October, and finalists are announced in December.
This year AlphaGraphics Kansas City was honored to be recognized with a 25 under 25 award. This was a welcome surprise for all of us. We want to thank our colleagues in the Kansas City small business community for the nomination and recognition. It means so much more knowing this award comes from our peers and friends.
As a result of this recognition, we’ve had a pretty exciting few months here at AlphaGraphics Kansas City, filled with events and celebrations throughout the Kansas City metro area. It’s been busy, but it’s also been a lot of fun! So here’s a quick recap of what we’ve been up to:
Before the Gala
In the weeks before the release of a blockbuster movie, it seems like the stars are all over talk shows, newspapers, and magazines. In the months leading up to the 25 Under 25 Gala, we took part in something similar, although not quite as high-profile. It all started with a networking event where all of the 25 honorees could connect and network with one-another. Our owners, Haley and Matt Haar, attended the event and met some of the other finalists for the first time.
Matt and Haley were also interviewed by several media outlets about AlphaGraphics KC and the award. They were featured in the February issue of Thinking Bigger Magazine, participated as guests on the
“Smart Companies” Radio show, and even were featured on an awesome
short video produced by the Thinking Bigger team.
Also, Matt and Haley participated in a couple of other happy hours and events with 25 Under 25 alumni. Who doesn’t love a happy hour?
The 25 Under 25 Awards Dinner and Gala
On February 27th, 2016, we all dressed up in our finest black tie attire and collected at the Downtown Marriott for the Annual 25 Under 25 Awards Dinner and Gala. We started out by shaking hands, meeting other business owners, and of course, taking photos of the whole team in our classy attire.

Then Matt and Haley joined the other recipients for a large group photo.

Photo Credit:
Danelle Photography
After spending time meeting and reconnecting with other members of the Kansas City Small Business community, it was time for dinner. Everyone ate like kings with an excellent menu provided by our hosts. Then it was time for the award presentations. Matt and Haley accepted on behalf of the AlphaGraphics Kansas City Team.

Photo Credit:
Danelle Photography
The entire evening was a blast, and we were honored to be recognized this year. Thank you to the members of the Small Business Community who made nominations this year and congratulations to all of the other award recipients. We can’t wait to reconnect in the months and years to come at alumni events! Finally, thank you to the Thinking Bigger team for hosting such an exciting and important event.
For more information on the Annual 25 Under 25 awards or to submit a nomination, visit the
Thinking Bigger website.