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How To Make A Direct Mail Piece People Will Actually Read

The piece of mail you perfectly crafted arrives in someone’s mailbox, and within seconds of seeing it they toss it out and say it’s junk mail. As tempting as it may be to throw in the towel and stick to other forms of advertising, direct mail has several advantages over other forms of media. According to the ANA/DMA Response Rate Report 2018, direct mail is one of the most persuasive and memorable forms of advertising. Here are some quick facts to know about direct mail according to the Direct Mail Association:

Direct Mail Fast FactsDirect Mail | AlphaGraphics | Orem, Utah

  • 85,996,674 of direct mail pieces were mailed in 2015
  • 57% of all mail people receive is direct mail
  • 2.5 billion coupons were redeemed in 2015
  • 9% response rate for house lists (2018) (This is the highest reported response rate since they have begun tracking in 2003)
  • For every $167 spent on direct mail in the U.S., marketers sell $2095 in goods
From these stats, we learn that direct mail has a great return on investment, incredible response rate and overall effectiveness. In addition to these reports, the Direct Mail Association has found that these forms of advertising are more trusted than digital advertising. In a world of internet scams and excessive digital advertisements, it’s easy to appreciate companies who still take the time to snail mail their deals. Direct mail can come in many forms, and at the AlphaGraphics in Orem, Utah, we can help you create essentially anything you can imagine. Whether it’s brochures, catalogs, postcards, newsletters or flyers—we can help your mail come to life. Here are some tips for making awesome direct mail:

Grab Their Attention

Every piece of mail should grab the recipient’s attention, interest, desire and include a call to action. Just like forming any advertisement, you should consider how this flyer will stand out from others. Poorly made direct mail pieces are cluttered, and the reader isn’t sure what to look at. Make your mail piece visually appealing by not having too many colors and allowing your message to be clear and easy to read in just a glance. This doesn’t necessarily mean that there isn’t a lot of copy, but that it’s organized. Once they’re interested in your message, they can flip to the back or open it up to learn more.

Use the Senses

Direct mail is one of the few forms of advertising that uses the sense of touch. This can be a great advantage as you give a direct mail piece a glossy or matte finish. You can also use thicker pieces of paper, like cardstock. This will help your mail be distinguished from plain, flimsy pieces of paper. You could also use folds, pop-ups, sliders, origami and other special paper forms to peak curiosity. An attention-grabbing mail piece will be something your recipient will want to hold on to.


One of the great advantages of direct mail is that you can personalize it. Nothing is cooler than seeing your own name on a photo or as a hologram. Personalized mail helps people feel special and shows that you value your customers.  As you’re creating mail, consider the offer itself and how it’s personally worded. Unlike a billboard, you know exactly who will be viewing this piece of mail. Develop a strategy for each member of the target audience. For instance, you could send out a special discount for a customer who hasn’t shopped with you in a while. Offers that give value and benefits to the customer (such as free samples) often do well. In a digital world, there is nothing better than receiving real, meaningful snail mail. As you use these tips and print your direct mail at the AlphaGraphics in Orem, Utah, your direct mail will no longer be considered junk mail, but something worth reading.

How To Get Started

Contact our AlphaGraphics, Orem Business Center today at (801) 426-6200 to talk to one of our direct mail experts or request a quote below to get started today. We would love to help you come up with a direct mail campaign that will get you business. [wpforms id="313" title="true"]

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