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8 Ways to Rethink Your Marketing Strategy in 2021

A New Year presents us with the opportunity for a fresh start. 2020 was full of quick reactions, treading water and trying to stay afloat. Although these circumstances have traveled with us into the beginning of 2021 there are ways we can prepare our marketing strategy to allow for long-term growth.  Rethink your marketing strategy with these eight tips:

1. Apply What You Learned in 2020

Did you pivot your marketing in response to the pandemic? Did you launch a content campaign or grow your online presence through digital marketing? If the answer is yes, now is the time to review the data you captured. Analyze the results to understand what transpired and how each message resonated with your audience. Use that information in 2021. 

2. Refresh Your Branding

With all of the uncertainty lingering, it’s likely your brand evolved to meet the challenges. This means it’s quite possible your branding may need a refresh to ensure it represents the business values, the business itself and the services and products offered. If it doesn’t, take this next year to refresh your brand in order to stay connected or to reconnect with your target audience.

3. Revisit Your Target Audiences

Speaking of your target audience, has it changed? It’s time to take a second look to see if anything has pivoted in this arena. Just as businesses have had to change, clientele has as well and it is worth addressing.  Chances are if you have added additional services or changed your services provided, it was done in order to meet demand and to offer additional or alternative opportunities. Review sales data from the past year and identify common characteristics among top customers. After determining who your target audience is (if it has changed), your marketing efforts can speak to renewed values and interests.

4. Focus on Building Trust

What breeds customer loyalty in a partnership? Trust.  A key element in any relationship, building trust is a necessity when strengthening relationships. Content marketing is an opportunity to build on this foundation. Providing relevant information to your customers through educational articles, entertainment, inspirational insights or creative solutions to their desires supports your brand’s value and expertise. 

5. Personalize Your Campaigns

Gone are the days when the basic campaign could be sent without personalization. Customers expect to see their name populated in the messaging. It’s personal and aids in driving engagement. We offer 6 reasons why your customers want you to use personalization here Personalization should include more than a name change within a campaign. You can also exchange photos, products and services within the messaging based on the interest of the individual. Sky’s the limit!

6. Create Brand Experiences

Remember when brands used to talk at you and not with you? Have you witnessed the shift in conversation? We encourage you to engage with your audience and there’s a number of ways to accomplish this:
  • Interactive content such as quizzes, videos or games
  • Asking for comments or direct messages empowers customers to share their thoughts
  • Sharing testimonials, client photos or reviews adds a level of authenticity to your brand
  • Sending a personalized package is a way to go above and beyond in customer experience

7. Incorporate Print into Your Marketing Strategy

If your marketing has primarily been through digital platforms - we invite you to re-examine your marketing strategy going into the new year and considering how print can support your efforts. In a time when digital fatigue is a real challenge, print offers an alternative medium that can add a memorable touchpoint. It can also aid in boosting traffic to your website, social media, apps or other online channels.

8. Ramp Up Your Online Presence

Your website is an educational hub for anyone who visits. Not only is it important to make sure it’s up to date but it’s important that it is optimized for SEO (search engine optimization).  While SEO is an ongoing process, it’s a good idea to regularly review your content and check for any technical issues that could interfere with your online ranking. Beyond that - take the time to review the content and make sure it’s still relevant for your company. Maybe the pandemic caused you to add or remove products and services. Or perhaps you altered your business hours and method of operation. All in all, it’s not a bad practice to make sure all is up to date.

Most of All, Stay Agile in 2021

The year ahead is still filled with uncertainty and challenges. It is important to keep your marketing plans flexible and nimble allowing for quick pivots if necessary.

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