Modern Day Branding and Identity Take just a minute and think, What does your brand communicate to your targeted audiences? You have the company colors, a logo, maybe a tagline and a certain look ...
The answer is simple; two part but simple. The first answer is the day you start your business. Chances are that if you are reading this, that time has past. If your business hasn't started up yet an...
We have talked about it before but have you really considered the impact signs and banners can have on your business? How can they really be used to your advantage. Let’s take a look. Signs a...
You've heard it here and you've experienced it. Marketing is a process not an event. Marketing is made up of many, many, many, many things all working together but how many times does it take for your...
Read these, check these off, figure out what to do next, don't procrastinate, celebrate small successes, celebrate large successes: Continue business development in any fashion de...