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Simple Marketing – Things to Do List

As the year winds down and the New Year is about to start, now is the time to plan your marketing activity for 2016. It doesn't have to be fancy; it can be simple. Simple is good. Done is better than perfect. Here is your to-do list to help you out:
  • Thank customers for 2015 business
  • Ask customers about what one thing more they would want in the coming year from you; a wish list
  • Ask customers if they know anyone else that could use your products and services. Be specific in person, via email or on the telephone or all 3.
  • Email customers with a different subject line – can be the same message. Frequency of communication is key.
  • Consider one new marketing tactic – postcards, signs, direct mail, social media, telemarketing, guerrilla marketing. Plan it, consistently use it, get help if you need it from experts.
  • Plan your marketing vehicles and frequency. Write it down. Measure it. If it works continue it; if it doesn't, get rid of it. If it kind of works, fix it.
  • Revisit your messaging, emphasizing benefits with calls to action, all directed to your target market.
  • Venture into a new social media platform, add connections and have a goal to be consistent in your communication and conversation.  Get help if you need it. Integrate it with all other marketing.
  • For those components where you need to consult an expert, start here:
  • Happy Marketing from AlphaGraphics, Carrollton, TX.

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