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Six Marketing Things To Do For Sure

  1. Consistent Product and Service - Make sure you have a consistent product and service with the utmost quality and a high degree of customer service. In the world of marketing this translates into a positive user or customer experience and has to be present if you want customers to return and do business with you again and on an ongoing basis.
  2. Have a Clear Identity – your goal as a marketer is to not confuse your customer or prospect. This means making sure that they know who you are, what you stand for, how to identify you, all leading to how they remember you as. This could be the look and feel of your logo, your messaging, your signage and more. Colors, logos, and design attributes all lead to a memorable identity.
  3. Have an online presence – in today’s world, if you do not have an online presence you will not be successful in business. This means at least a website but probably more; more in terms of social media, blogs, email and other communication online. Prospects compare you and shop online before they even talk to you. Your online presence is many times the first impression and a deciding point to doing business with you.
  4. SEO – part of having that online presence is getting found online. Search terms, key words, and SEO are all critical marketing strategies that need constant attention and development. Consult an expert no matter how good at this you think you are.
  5. Touches to your Target Market – Market is made up of many, many, many things all working together. These are touches to your target market. It takes 6-8 touches to get prospects into purchase readiness mode. This could be a mailing, a drive by, a sign, a handshake at a networking event, PR or a referral. Plan these activities out as Target Market Touches and they will serve as the basis to your marketing plan.
  6. Relationships – along the same lines as a positive customer experience and touching your target market is the whole notion of relationship building. Customers do business with you because they trust you and like you. From start to finish this is under constant evaluation. Relationship still play a big part in marketing whether on or offline. The only reason customers leave you is because you don't pay enough attention to them. Make “paying attention to customers,” part of your relationship goals.

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