Getting the Word Out Through Multi-Channel Marketing
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One of the questions we receive most often here at AlphaGraphics is, “How do we get our name out there so people know what we do?” And that's a great question, because in today's attention-challenged society, it's very hard to know what media your ideal customer is engaged by at any given moment (or all the time). Customers are besieged by choices, so if you don't approach them exactly how they want to be approached, they may not pay any attention to you at all. That's why multi-channel marketing makes sense for so many of our Austin and San Antonio marketing clients.
Multi-channel marketing is exactly what it sounds like: a marketing strategy that spans multiple marketing channels with a cohesive, consistent, targeted message. Print marketing, TV/radio marketing, website marketing, social media marketing – these and other marketing channels all work deliver to deliver your brand in a single strong statement, based on a single view of your ideal customer.
Why is this consistency so critical? Research has shown that 46 percent of customers who search online for products and services end up making their purchases in a brick-and-mortar store. People naturally behave across channels, even if they prefer to get their marketing information through one particular channel. So you've got to present a solid, unified brand across the board.
That's why it's so helpful to have a single marketing provider coordinating your multichannel marketing strategy – and AlphaGraphics US629 can be that provider. We go way beyond the world of print marketing to help you with your mobile marketing, social media campaigns, web marketing, and lead generation and acquisition needs. We help you form your brand identity, and then project that identity across multiple marketing channels so you can get the word out as powerfully as possible. Contact us – and let's get you noticed!