Paul’s wife: “Paul! Paul! Wake up!”
Paul: "What? Where am I? Oh man, I had this crazy dream. It was pretty chaotic.
We had four kids who belonged to 16 different extra-curriculars, we owned a minivan,
AND I was running my own business!"
Paul’s wife: “Paul. We DO have four kids. You DO run your own business…”
Paul: “And the minivan???”
Paul’s wife: “No minivan.” (Cue the Hallelujahs! from heaven above)
I swear Paul has been seen in 3 places at once. This guy is a go-getter in the business and printing world. And with a wife and four kids, he knows time management is crucial. Paul Van Veldhuizen is the owner of AlphaGraphics in Sioux Falls. It seems he’s getting closer to squeezing 25 hours into a day. Good luck, buddy.
It’s the same with you and your business though, right? Finding the time to keep all cylinders cranking efficiently is never an easy task. Paul knows. He lives a busy life every day inside and outside the walls of AlphaGraphics.
He’ll admit he probably works too much, but he likes to take a much needed break once in a while too. You might find Paul taking in a show in Las Vegas (like Comedy Pet Theater or Defending the Caveman); he’s fond of Salt Lake City; and he loves to hang out with family and friends on the waters of Lake Okoboji. Plus, snagging a brewski with pals is a way that he can take a quick breather from his work life. “Calgon, take me away!”
When it comes to his work at AlphaGraphics, Paul has a passion for helping you discover a solution that fits. He’s in this business to make a difference, not sit on the sidelines among mediocrity.
His favorite quote? “Let’s shoot this horse.”
His favorite vehicle to drive? As long as it’s not a minivan.