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6 Benefits of a Brand Refresh

Brand revitalization is a necessity at some point in the life of any given business.

Whether it’s due to changing customer preferences, a competitive marketing landscape, or new products and services, it’s essential your brand adapts to the new environment to stay relevant. Even the biggest brands out there will undergo a revitalization to remain fresh in the eyes and ears of their customers. All businesses, no matter how big or small, should examine their brand annually for relevancy to stay competitive and maintain market share. Here are six great reasons why now is the best time to undergo a brand refresh:

A Refocus on Your Business

One of the main reasons for a brand examination has to do with the fact that your business has most likely grown over the past few years. Over time, companies grow and shrink. New products and services are added while others are discontinued. As these natural changes occur, there’s a good chance that your brand does not reflect the current offerings of your business. By refreshing your brand, it will more accurately represent what your company stands for—and that can help you achieve your marketing goals. Brands are built from the inside out, and this means that your internal team will benefit from a refocus as well. Everyone will have a clear understanding of your brand message, and that helps create a long-lasting foundation for growth. 

Connecting with Your Customers

Social Media UsersDoes your current brand accurately reflect your core business? A disparity can occur in the minds of your customers about what you think your brand stands for and what it actually stands for in their minds. This can cause them to overlook your services and products. Your brand should match the overall message that your business is sending out, as this can help improve trust and customer loyalty.

Staying Relevant in the Marketplace

While older, more established brands may have a greater marketplace recognition, it’s still essential to refresh your brand to stay relevant in a fast-changing marketing environment. An outdated brand is very easy to notice—it sticks out and can confuse your target audience. By improving the relevancy of your brand, you’ll help improve its overall health. Trust is essential to consumers in this day and age. It helps sway and persuade them to make purchasing decisions. Your brand needs to demonstrate that it understands the wants and needs of your customers—and has an honest desire to connect with them above and beyond a sale. A brand that is no longer relevant is one that consumers cannot connect with, and this will ultimately lead to a loss of sales.

Stand Out in a Competitive Marketplace

Even well-established brands will eventually face the challenge of changing consumer tastes and increased competition. For example, you might have been the only dentist in town, but as the years have gone by, four others have opened up shop within a 5-mile radius of your business. When increased competition happens, sales and customer retention tend to suffer. By examining what makes your brand special and unique, it will provide inspiration as to how you can differentiate and set your business apart from a sea of competitors. This will help you stand out from the rest of the pack and maintain market dominance.

Generate Buzz and Excitement

Some businesses view a large-scale rebranding effort as a negative. However, a brand refresh can generate a tremendous amount of excitement and a renewed passion for your employees as well as your customers. A loyal customer will take keen notice as a brand refresh often means that new products or services are coming down the pipeline. A brand refresh is also an opportunity to get people talking and generate a considerable amount of buzz. It can also help reignite the passion and loyalty of staff members.

Increase in Sales

Refreshing your brand can also increase sales in many different ways. Your business can now ask for a premium price for your products or services as customers will perceive that you offer more value than the competition.  Once you launch your refreshed brand, it will also gain increased exposure that will bring in new customers as well as remind existing ones about your products and services. This can help drive long-term sales. A brand refresh shows both your employees and customers that you care about the future of your business. The benefits extend way beyond the immediate. You’ll be able to attract high-value, talented employees, improve productivity, and reduce costs. A focused, happy team is one that can have a significant influence on your sales.

Branding Help in New Bern

When was the last time you examined your brand for relevancy? As the new year approaches, there’s no better time than now to sit down with one of the experts at AlphaGraphics New Bern to help you refresh your brand and reap all of the benefits that come with it. At AlphaGraphics of New Bern, we’re much more than a print shop. We’re also marketing experts who you can count on to help you when it comes time to market your business. To learn more about how AlphaGraphics of New Bern can produce and design your next project, email usrequest a quote or call us at (252) 633-3199.

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