With over 3 years experience working with EPIC Games employees to develop the online game characters and spaces they create offline art for their personal spaces we decided to launch a site for Gamers that want to "level up" their room decor. We've have reached out to game developers, artists and even curated art using AI to provide a library of art, ideas and samples that will inspire computer gamers to decorate their rooms.
www.pixelperfectdecor.com"We will mostly be working with existing artists, some game licenced art, but are open to taking on artists that feel their concepts are oriented towards gamers," expressed Eric Webb.
Our experience working with EPIC Games to decorate their Studios as well as developing art for employees' homes led us in this direction. If a gamer has rights to some art and wants to produce something for themselves we are here to help them. We can create a whole wall of vinyl, canvases, acrylics and a lot more. Stylizing a room is important to a gamer's experience and we want to help by providing the art, lighting and other accessories to make it happen. We even have an "Idea Center" so they can see what others have done.
For gamers that are looking to improve their systems, consoles and computers, why not look at your room decor, chairs and accessories to really create an experience for you and your mates.