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10 Marketing Tips to Make a Splash in 2024

10 Marketing Tips to Make a Splash in 2024

Any marketing team's goal is to strategically use their budget to make the most significant impact on their business. With the ever-present pressure to be omnipresent on all marketing channels, the options can quickly become overwhelming. However, when you understand your goals, customer base, and unique value proposition, you can transform your resources into new business. 

These marketing tips cover emerging trends and tried-and-true marketing strategies that can help grow and support your small business. Each has an actionable step you can take today to start building out your marketing strategy. 

We are going to take a look at these ten marketing tips in deeper detail below: 

  1. Finding new applications for AI

  2. Producing high-quality content

  3. Optimizing pay-per-click campaigns

  4. Sharing user-generated content (UGC)

  5. Personalizing the customer experience

  6. Supporting online and in-person communities

  7. Practicing purpose-driven marketing

  8. Using compelling storytelling 

  9. Delivering a quality user experience

  10. Making data-driven decisions 

1. Find New Applications for AI

AI (artificial intelligence) continues to develop new ways to streamline tasks and improve customer service with quality chatbots. Use tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney as the launchpad for social media captions, content, and simple graphic designs. 

Marketing Tip: Use the following prompt in ChatGPT to build out your social media calendar for the month. “Act as a social media manager for my business (XYZ), we provide (ABC) to (ideal customer). Build a content calendar for us to post on (preferred social channels). Include five ideas for short-form videos we can create for Instagram Reels/TikTok.”  

2. Produce High-quality Content

As tempting as it is to use ChatGPT to write all your content for your blog or website, search algorithms and users still prioritize high-quality, relatable content. Think less about the quantity of content you need to produce and focus on the quality. You’ll see results in overall customer experience and SEO performance. 

Marketing Tip: Freelancers are an easy way to get customized, high-quality content at a low cost. 

3. Optimize Pay-Per-Click Campaigns

Pay-per-click (PPC) marketing isn’t anything new, but it is still one of the best ways to get your company in front of the right audience online. You can optimize your campaigns using data and analytics to get you the best results. 

You might think that most people are bugged by online ads, but 81% of Gen Zers like targeted ads. Selling to your target audience in the right place and at the right time is critical to campaign success. 

Marketing Tip: DIY ads management can get costly and leave you frustrated. Consult with a professional ads manager about your ad campaign to use resources efficiently. 

4. Share User-Generated Content

User-generated content (UGC) is a fantastic way to spread awareness about your business and build a positive brand image. There are a few ways you can encourage your customers to share about your business online. 

  • Start a Google Review campaign with text or email reminders to leave a review.

  • Create a photo-op in your business that encourages people to snap a selfie.

  • Host a social media giveaway to reward followers who tag your business in a post. 

  • Send out postcards with QR codes to your mailing list to promote a promotion or new product. Offer discounts 

Marketing Tip: Working with micro-influencers is becoming increasingly popular and cost-efficient for small businesses. These influencers generally have smaller followers, but have a trusted relationship with their audience. Find them by searching local hashtags for your target audiences (i.e. #lasvegasmoms, #campinginnevada, #lasvegasremodel). 

5. Personalize the Customer Experience

Customers love personalized experiences, and they are quickly becoming the standard. In fact, 71% of consumers expect them. What is personalization in marketing? It uses data, shopping history, and customer information to tailor advertisements, promotions, and milestones to each customer. You can do this with targeted email marketing, location-based marketing, and product recommendations. 

Marketing Tip: Set up email or text reminders to go out about the time that a customer’s products might be running low. (i.e. Email subject line: “Hey! Reorder now before you run out!)

6. Support Online and In-Person Communities

We love a brand that cares. Depending on your business model, you may have opportunities to connect with an online community or support your local community members. This can be as simple as sponsoring a local sports team with a company banner on the baseball field. Online community leaders can collaborate for giveaways or fundraisers. They can also host educational seminars or go live on Instagram/YouTube. 

Marketing Tip: Get involved with organizations and businesses that connect with your target audience. For example, pediatric dentists can sponsor fun dental health days or clinics at local schools and send kids home with free branded swag.

7. Practice Purpose-Driven Marketing 

This marketing tip can trickle into more than one campaign. Practicing purpose-driven marketing means that you prioritize philanthropic efforts and eco-friendly practices. This can be exhibited in your company mission and values on your website, messaging on your packaging and products, and even how you use print marketing materials.

Marketing Tip: Opt for an eco-friendly business card design to showcase your commitment to environmentally conscious business practices. 

8. Use Compelling Storytelling

Clever copywriting can go a long way toward encouraging and engaging your customers. Storytelling strategies can transform your customer into the hero of their own story, positioning your product or service as the solution to their latest obstacle. Revisit the messaging you use on your website and promotional materials. Is there room for improvement? 

Marketing Tip: Avoid the urge to stuff your copywriting with too much industry jargon. Make sure your messaging is clear and captivating to customers of all stages. 

9. Deliver a Quality User Experience

Customers may come across your business online or in-person. In both instances, make the customer experience cohesive and engaging, driving them to the next call to action. 

In-store, make sure you are using the right signage to direct traffic, highlight promotions, and display products. Use a professional printer to ensure all signage is bold, on brand, and built to last. 

Online, it is critical that your website loads quickly and is well-organized with helpful information. User experience plays heavily into your search engine performance, so invest in improving your SEO.

Marketing Tip: Create a simple survey to understand how you can improve the customer experience. Make sure it is delivered right after a positive experience so customers are more likely to respond. 

10. Make Data-Driven Decisions

There is a wealth of data out there on social media, Google Analytics, your CRM, and email marketing tools that can help you develop marketing strategies that meet the needs of your customers. By regularly reviewing your data sources, you can make smart marketing decisions that use your resources in the best possible way.  

Marketing Tip: Use variable data printing to create a personalized experience right in your customers’ mailbox. 

Marketing Support in Las Vegas & Beyond

Whether you find yourself in Las Vegas for the first time at a trade show or convention or you are a long-time Las Vegas business looking for marketing opportunities that work, our team at Alphagraphics can tackle everything from digital to print marketing and everything in between. Reach out for a free marketing consultation about your latest marketing campaign to learn how we can help.

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