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How to use Experience Marketing to Reach New Customers

I've always loved going to museums. I have fond memories of both the Indianapolis Children's Museum and the Center of Science and Industry (COSI) in Columbus, OH - both youth-focused museums that are equal parts history/science museums and activity centers.

Of course, as an adult I still love both of these places - but I also have an appreciation for more "traditional" art and history museums, even though experience of visiting those is more subdued and personal than interactive. When I was in college, I was lucky enough to visit a great many famous museums and historical sites across Greece and Italy. On these trips, it became a tradition for a few of our group to try and reenact the scene of a sculpture or painting when taking photographs. It was silly and often involved getting a little creative - but I could easily identify half of those pieces now just because I can see my friend's faces.

Experience Marketing is a big trend for 2020 - pushing businesses to find ways to interact and engage with customers in a more meaningful way, but more and more businesses are finding ways to integrate it into B2B strategies as well.

Integrity, Community and Social Responsibility

Not all of the efforts of experience marketing with a B2B have to be focused on the client. In fact, there are plenty of examples to show that a positive reputation for honesty and social responsibility is more valuable than price when it comes to decision making. Involvement in local and community initiatives, events, sponsorships and charitable works goes a long way towards building credibility with other organizations.

Keeping Ahead of Technology & Trends

Being innovative is one of the best ways to stay competitive in a B2B market. Whether you are streamlining processes through online ordering and automation or using technology tools like augmented reality to enhance the client experience, technology is an important tool for any marketing strategy.

Provoke a Sensory Response

Sensory marketing is all about the senses (obviously) - how we smell, taste, touch or hear something can have an impact on how we see a business or product, or how much information we retain. For many service based industries, providing a "tactile" experience is less about product and more about creating an ambiance around your brand.

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