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Marketing 101: Why We Still Love Paper

Paper is Safe, Trusted and Sustainable - and that's why we love it.

Gen Con, the world's largest gaming convention held every year in Indy, was recently in the news about sustainability and recycling initiatives it had put into place for the upcoming 51st convention in August. It's a big plan, which includes some unique innovations like recycling vinyl outdoor banners to make limited edition merchandise, as well as offering "unboxing" stations where convention goers can open their purchased games and recycle the plastic wrappings and excess cardboard that is used in production of game components.

As part of the announcement, they posted a question to their Facebook followers about what they do to recycle and reduce waste. Of course, I was quick to chime in and try and dispel a few myths about paper waste and how going digital doesn't always mean going "green".

One of the best sources of paper positive facts are the folks at Two Sides North America, who regularly produce new infographics about the sustainability of paper and the paper industry. Recently, they released a new infographic answering the question of "Why So Many People Love Print?"

Designed to bust key myths about the switch from paper to digital, the infographic (shown above) spotlights key facts, including:

  • 91% of U.S. consumers surveyed, agreed that, when responsibly produced, used and recycled, print and paper can be a sustainable way to communicate – including 86% of the 18 to 24 year-old age group!
  • 78% of Americans keep hard copies of important documents filed at home as they believe this is the safest and most secure way of storing information.
  • 56% trust the news stories they read in printed newspapers … but only 35% trust the news stories they read in social media.

Download the full infographic here and be sure and check out their earlier prints, available to download in multiple file formats!

There are a lot of reasons why print is still the preferred medium of so many of us - whether it is the tactile experience, more variety and freedom, or better information retention. Print is definitely not dead - and continues to grow!

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