Utilizing banners has been a common practice for businesses, event planners and cities for years. Have you ever wondered how long the banner has been around?
Believe it or not, banners are
ancient. People have been implementing banners for thousands of years.
“Since ancient times, civilizations have carried banners to declare their identities,” according to an article in The Atlantic. Although, civilization has come a long way since then, we still use banners as a way of declaring our purpose or messages.
Despite the fact our world is moving digitally at a swift pace, banners have kept up. Using banners is one of the keys to marketing your business in style. At AlphaGraphics in Rexburg, Idaho, we love helping our customers print their ideal banners.
Benefits of Using A Banner
The following are just a few of the many benefits banners have:
Attention Grabbing
What better way to catch people’s eye than to hang a large banner in plain sight? Whether your banner represents an event you’re planning or it holds a simple message about the organization you’re a part of, the copy on it will be read loud and clear.
One of the primary reasons so many businesses tend to use banners is because of the low cost that high-value banners provide those who choose to implement them. Banners promote businesses and events extremely well for a relatively low price.
Extremely Versatile
Not many promotional prints can be placed, both indoors and outdoors, and remain intact through various weather conditions. Banners can. You can choose the material for the printed banner, and depending on your decision, banners can withstand vast weather conditions.
The Design Matters
Implementing a banner to meet your campaign, event or organization’s objectives is great, but if the design is not eye-catching, you may not get the results you want from using one.
Refine Your Message
Your message is everything. Once you craft the ideal message, write it down and enhance it. Ask yourself: Is this the first association I want people to have with my brand? Am I happy with this message?
Once you ask yourself those questions and feel content with the answers, check over the copy and make any necessary edits.
Choose the Perfect Spot
Choosing a strong location and placement for your banner is essential. If you place the banner in a location that people do not regularly pass, you may want to reconsider your choice.
Despite how ideal a place may initially seem, if the number of people who come across this spot is low, not as many people will become aware of your brand.
Design Elements
Ensuring your banner has a cohesive, clean design with nice fonts, colors and contrast is necessary to accomplishing your banner’s objectives. If the design on your banner isn’t pleasing to look at, people likely won’t pay much attention to it.
The key to conquering this challenge is to ask for a second opinion. A fresh set of eyes will often catch things you wouldn’t be able to see after analyzing it for so long.
Ready for th
e Next Step?
Professionals who implement banners want their work to be striking. We at AlphaGraphics in Rexburg, Idaho, want to be that second set of eyes for you and help you print the most appealing banner possible.
Need an eye-catching attention grabbing banner design. Request a design quote below on how much your banner design will be. Our designers would love the challenge of designing up your next banner.
Feel free to stop by our office or call (208) 356-0170 to ask our designers or associates about any questions or concerns. If you would like to simply chat about your options, we assure you we can help with that, too. We hope to see you soon!
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