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4 Things to Have Ready for Your Next Trade Show

Trade shows are exciting events that can boost your company's brand awareness and increase clientele. Preparing and planning are essential to the success of your booth. Using a professional printing service, like Alphagraphics, can ease your stress and improve booth traffic. Before heading into your next trade show, Alphagraphics is offering these four must-have items for your business’ booth:

Trade show signage

Professional Signage

Professional signage can do wonders for your booth's traffic. With a clear and aesthetically pleasing sign, people can be drawn to your booth. The best way to promote your business is to use a professional printing company. Using professional signage for your banners, kiosk displays, backdrops, or backlit graphics is the best way to guarantee a sleek and professional design.

Interactive Presentation Media

Inviting people into your booth is one thing, but keeping them at your booth is another. With interactive booths, people are compelled to start longer and start conversations about your business. Examples of interactive activities are to have people write a mission statement on a dry erase board, or create a compelling kiosk display offering people to take away information.
people walking in a trade show

Promotional Items

One of the most impactful tactics to increase your booth's traffic is to offer people free or discounted services. Creating a limited-time promotional item or service that you can offer customers at the trade show increases the chances of boosting your clientele from the trade show. The best distribution of the promotional items is through a business card, customized to your business.

Tangible Takeaways

Let’s face the facts, trade shows are a pool of booths. It is easy to get lost in the crowd, so make your business stand out! Creating tangible takeaways for your customers to have after visiting your booth, is the best way to increase conversion rates. It could be a business card, or a complimentary calendar. Whatever you choose, add your brand information and create a call to action!

Trade shows can be a boost to your business when you come prepared. Make sure you have the essentials to boost your business and increase your conversion rate. Take advantage of professional printing for your next trade show to guarantee professional and informative designs. Visit the Alphagraphics website to boost your booth's success!

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