Game Plan for 2020
As a small business owner, I recall meeting with my team in November and looking forward to the historically slow month of December. We would do a deep cleaning of the office, attack all the forgotten projects that went unfinished through the year, update all our social media platforms, and just get caught up.
My goal was to review the past 12 months, learning from our fumbles, and build a game plan for 2020.
December came in like a Lion - This has been one of our busiest and quickest months we have had, and the luxury of downtime and predictive planning went out the window the trash.
So how does a team engulfed in the day to day set aside time to get organized and commit to the crucial planning for the future?
I have listed the key elements to consider during your review and planning process.
- Closeout any outstanding invoices. Start the year off at ground zero
- Finalize your taxes for the year
- Prepare and review your P&L. Create annual reports for your stockholders
- Schedule essential dates on your calendar for the upcoming year
- Consider refreshing your branding and social media accounts
- Send thank-you notes to your clients or customers
- Talk to your team and get their input on the past year and how they see you growing in the new
- Review lasts year's plan. Did you hit your goals? Where they in line with how your business is growing?
- Set Goals for next year
- Find your margins! Make the space between your workload and your limits. Your margin is the gap you need to stay healthy, refreshed, and productive.
Now, Get Going! and find out more from our professional marketing team.
Call us today: (678) 727-0678.