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How important is your store front sign?

Advertising your business means keeping all your “marketing-balls” in the air at one time. It can be a lot to juggle the many components of Brand Marketing. It’s a full-time job to stay on top of your print ads, digital ads, promotional items, blog articles, radio, tv, etc. The one aspect of your brand that you can “set and forget” is your storefront sign. If the right characteristics of design and planning are considered up front, you can be proud of how your sign represents your business.

A well-designed custom sign will differentiate you from the crowd, increase visits and impact brand awareness.

When designing your sign there are many aspects to consider ensuring it is eye-catching and memorable. Color choice, the brightness of colors, contrast, quality of graphics, text colors, font style, font size, and lighting are just to name a few. Whether your business is in an interior space or street facing, your full-color custom sign should be welcoming and visible to your customers. Things to remember: 1. Your sign is your calling card. Your design should be professional and impressive. 2. It lets people know who you are. Stay consistent with your brand across all mediums so you are easily recognizable and will get noticed. 3. Placement is key. Special consideration should be given to size, placement, and illumination. 4. Make it personal. Make sure all of your signage reflects your unique brand promise and personality. Research shows that consumers see your signs as a direct reflection of your products, services, and quality of care. Once complete, your sign will quickly go to work for your business and allow you time to focus on your other marketing needs.

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