Yes, it's a real holiday. Just like National Donut Day, Eat a Hoagie Day, and Piano Month. Part of my job is to stay on the forefront of trends in the industry, events in our local community and weird random holidays that allow me to take team photos our staff grudgingly agrees to.
Come on, how can we not celebrate
Girls Who Print Day? We are female-owned, family-owned, and have now outnumbered the male variety at the office. The ladies even outnumber the males at our
Greeley Center - two out of three, and that ain't bad.
So, in my true spirit, we printed ready-made
Girls Who Print posters and took some group shots and of course a
Vine, starring all of the ladies, even the infamous, Matt Brunner.
Check out our
Vine video here. We gave a big hi-five to Girls Who Print Day.
In all seriousness, Girls Who Print Day was organized to provide a friendly, lighthearted platform for women (along with all those good natured printer men) in the industry to educate their friends and customers about the environmental benefits of printing, and that's pretty cool. The official celebration is taking place at the national conference,
Special thanks to Mary Beth Smith @mbsmithTX for founding and this wonderful day of celebration. Maybe next year we'll get donuts.
Written by Shannon Hein, Marketing and Social Media Manager