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Employee Spotlight - Sarah

November's second Employee Spotlight is about one of our new staff members, Sarah Domschke. Sarah has only been with us a few months but has hit the ground running!  
How many years have you been with AlphaGraphics? Less than a year! What is your role at AlphaGraphics? Account Executive What has been your favorite project at AlphaGraphics? A cute 2" x 3" booklet we did for a company retreat. I think my heart melted that day, it was that adorable... If you could be anyone from any time period who would it be and why? I would be Hans Riegel, the inventor of Haribo Gummi Bears. I'm sure no explanation is needed here. What is your favorite travel spot? Any secluded place with tall trees will do. What is your favorite color?

PMS 5415 (Blue Gray)

What is your least favorite food? No amount of Tabasco or lemon juice can cover up the bad taste of Oysters. What is one thing that people would be surprised to learn about you? Growing up in Yuma (Winter Vegetable Capital of the World), one of my summer jobs was in Melon Quality Control. Or simply, Melon Tester, as I like to call it. I would sit in a refrigerated warehouse all day and test for flavor, texture and overall appearance. I would test several varieties of Watermelons, Honeydew, and Cantaloupe from different farmers and lots. Obviously, I'm an ideal grocery shopping partner...
Well we definitely learned something new today... Who knew that Yuma was the Winter Vegetable Capital of the World?? Thank you to Sarah for letting us get to know her a little better and for being a great member of our team. Don't forget to follow us so you don't miss a single thing!

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