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Employee Spotlight - Cash

Michael Cash Casual HeadshotNovember's first Employee Spotlight is all about our one and only Michael Cash. Cash's AlphaGraphics anniversary is in November and we couldn't think of a better place to start. So without further ado, we shine a quick spotlight onto Mr. Cash.
How many years have you been with AlphaGraphics? 9 What is your role at AlphaGraphics? I support the sales staff with incoming work ~ both new and recurring; provide ASI (Advertising Specialty Institute) product research, purchasing and oversee ASI projects through fulfillment; process daily orders submitted through our online portal. What has been your favorite project at AlphaGraphics? I enjoy the ASI product hunt ~ searching for just the right marketing product that our client falls in love with when they see it. Something that reminds our client that we are always looking to help improve their image, and aim to assist in building their business client-base. "Without one, you can not have the other." If you could be anyone from any time period who would it be and why? I would be myself. Through all the good times and all the bad times...I've never wanted to be anyone else. Although on the second go around, I would invest in Google and Apple at the first opportunity...other than that, no changes jump to mind. What is your favorite travel spot? Party Pit at Harrah's in Las Vegas What is your favorite color?

PMS 186 (Husker Red)

PMS 186

What is your least favorite food? Tofu & Tripe What is one thing that people would be surprised to learn about you? My mother was the first female police officer of the state of Nebraska.
We hope that you enjoyed getting to know our staff as much as we enjoyed the interview! A big thank you to Cash for being the first subject of our new Employee Spotlight feature. Make sure to follow us to be sure to catch the next Employee Spotlight and some of the other new features we will be starting!

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